» Insight Environmental Service
Service item
Underground Storage Tank (UST) Closure

Since October 1988 all Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) in the state of Hawai’i should be registered with the state and operated in accordance with state regulations. When USTs go out of service specific steps are required by the state for closure.
Many USTs were never registered with the state. Landowners routinely discover USTs on there property that they didn’t know they had or are reminded of a UST that was used by the family or a tenant long ago. USTs on commercial property are also discovered during a Phase I ESA. When these tanks are discovered removal helps protect the value of the property and minimize the risk of a future release. Even tanks that were abandoned as empty still contain gallons of fuel and sludge which can contaminate soil and groundwater. Proper documentation of the removal is required by the state but also helps ensure the value of the property. The same is true of USTs actively in use that are being taken out of service or replaced with a newer tank.
A UST removal often involves three firms: the general contractor who excavates and removes the tank; the hazardous materials transporter who cleans the tank and disposes of the residual fuel and cleaning products; and the environmental firm, such as Insight Environmental, that provides the required notifications, collects the required samples and documents the removal in a report. Property owners wishing to remove a UST can contract Insight to manage the entire removal process and all contractors or simply to handle the environmental requirements.